Saturday, May 31, 2008

I want to travel. That's one of the things I hope to do. Perhaps Japan, Taiwan or China. Not Europe. For I'm not really attracted by Europe. Neither Australia, at the moment, though people had said how nice Australia can be. I'm fascinated by the East. I want to see what the world out there is. The experience is invaluable. My horizons to be stretched, to see and feel things I never have done before. And i'm not going with a tour grp as I have been to one before and it sets a restriction to my plans of exploration. The sense of exploration of strange and new places is an exciting one.

So sad am I that I do not have the capacity to travel yet, with the time and money I have. I just do not have the right company, a grp of people with the sense of adventure within them. The saddest thing in life is to look at pictures people have taken, that showed how happy they r in a foreign land.

That sense of happiness is so near and yet so far.

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