Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I have long wanted to write this post. In it, I shall pour out all the contents and left nothing behind. So often we whine about, make a big fuss about it, and we just can't seem to get it right. No no, we are not desperate, there's a clear distinction between despair and desire.

Everytime I read Sumiko's rantings, I can't help to feel that we could be good friends, maybe she can even be my next god-sister. Oh yes, Sumiko writes on the Strait Times column. Both of us have something in common, that we make a big fuss out of loneliness and our self-consciousness and anxiety escalates to such high levels that we are almost narcissistic. It is self-comforting to some extent that there's someone out there who is like me, but it's not something one can smile and be proud about.

Back to loneliness, I wonder why is it so hard for me to tell myself to get on with my life. Sumiko is in her 30s, she has every reason to feel left out when her friends are, settled with their own family. Not that I'm the only one single among my friends but then again, it just doesn't make it feel any better. Life's kind of boring, really quite dull. A companion makes the journey much more enjoyable, all my friends agree with the notion except for a few, but finding that companion is a big question.

Please guys, how can I buy that? That you are fine with being single! Pretentious cunning people you are! You self-decieving, this doesn't fool me. It always happen. You say you not interested and that next minute you got attached. Crap shit!

Stop saying that when the moment is right, the right girl will come. So what, chio bus will fall from the sky and end up on my lap?!?!

I went for a SDU organised event with a guy friend, for a paint ball and go-kart event. The main point is not that I'm joining a SDU event. Now what i'm gonna say next, is that I didn't expect the crowd to be made up of mainly people in their 30s. Hmmmm..... misfits!!!!!!! But nope that's not the main point either. How do I find the activity? My most sincere answer: Good, but I sure hope I don't end up going SDU when I'm in my 30s. I have got 5 more years, counting down now............

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