Friday, February 16, 2007

I reach home late. I went for a shower. Something is looking and watching my every movement. I don't like it. Such voyeuristic behavior is freaking me out..... Now the voyeur is moving across the floor, slowly and silently. I watched, and ready to response at the slightest provocation. First, it was on the floor, then it climbed up to the walls. I tried to end my bath quick as I sense the premonition of impending catastrophe. It will be break out into a mayhem if things were allowed to progress that far. It made the first move. I wished it wasn't so but apparently it is equipped with the very thing I fear it possess. It flew across to the water pipes, then shower cap that was hung on the other side of the wall. OK, it can fly. Now, that's not something that can be handled easily. I warned it in a stern voice, not to perform any foolish acts while I dry myself up and put on my attire. This is the moment that I'm most vulnerable, both my hands used and engaged in something. I won't be able to react fast enough should it tried to do anything funny. It was a good thing that cooperation was achieved. The truce don't last long. I observe and contemplate my next move. Its feelers were moving frantically. There is tension in the atmosphere. It was really big. I would say its length is about 8-10cm, and the most disturbing truth is that it can fly. It flew. It was so sudden and quick while i was still in my own thoughts of my next move. It pre-emptive flight was heading my direction. towards my face. It was purely instinct, my martial arts instinct where i raised my fist and punch the disgusting, ugly cockroach to defend myself. My fist landed on the creature, which took its opponent too lightly. I'm not one who evades neither was i intimidated by its awe. Sure, it is big, but it is nothing to me. I felt it, for the very first time. The physical contact is brief, but to be able to feel it! Picture how much force resulted from the collision. It must have flying at me with some force too. To create such a force, certainly the mass has to be there. Force equals mass multiplies acceleration, elementary physics, my dear. This guy is huge, for a cockroach, certainly enough to send some running away in fear. But i stayed on and fought.

The poor guy fell to the ground and hid itself in a well-concealed corner. My benevolent disposition compels me to let the matter rest. I left it where it was and went away. Its enough. It has learnt its lesson.

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