Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I have lost my ability to appreciate simplicity. Gone is my acute observational skills for the tiniest things. That's y everything is so dull and mundane. The expectation for more gets a person nowhere. I used to have a blog before this. That was writings during my "naive" times in NUS. There, i tried to inject my sense of humour into every possible occurrence. I can still remember that i depict my first try on a bicycle in absolutely the most ridiculous way ever. It was so easy, back then. Perhaps, when i click delete to remove that blog, it means that i have really forsaken that sort of life sub-consciously. Now, i struggle to update my blog. I have to think hard to decide on what to write. I have to struggle to reflect my life. It becomes worst, because there is nothing to reflect about. Is this what it means to enter adulthood? Becoming numb to everything. Living a life just for the sake of being in existence. identity crisis! Boring.....
I hope i have something to write about. Really sincerely do!

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