Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sub-consciousness of Confucian thoughts

I had to emphasize again that it's totally out of my expectation that I could ever be like this, to say things like this, to think like this so effortlessly. For the first time, it seems so natural and so genuine that I could hardly believe that I would say anything like this. It's actually hidden somewhere inside of me, and that now it gets uncovered by itself, without any conscious effort. I'm adapting. I'm changing. I'm learning it and getting at it. I feel so humane... in a sense that it's not acting anymore. I'm truly myself when i said those words. Words that resonate Confucian thoughts of human nature.

On that instant, words just come out from my heart, sincere words. I was saying things to the student for her bad conduct in class. Those who are familiar with Confucian thoughts will definitely see and understand what I'm talking about. I tend to remember every single word I said, and hence made this entry possible to be reproduced in my blog.

"Now that you have been though your primary school, you should know what is appropriate in class and what is inappropriate in class. I think there is no need for me to list out to you the school rules, now that you are in secondary school. You would have it in your heart. Everyone can be good. Everyone knows how to be good. It is inside of you. And i know your nature is good, and that sometimes bad conduct simply manifest in you. But you always have a choice, to be good or bad, its all up to you. "

Human nature is always good. That's what Mencius has claimed, and the slogan of his philosophy. Xunzi however, believes that human nature is bad. Perhaps there is no point in arguing who is right and wrong, for this thoughts survived long ages and still find itself existing till this very day. Perhaps there is no contradiction, only a matter of preference of which idea to be comfortable with. This is like the fact that some people like the taste of sweetness, some like sourness, some enjoy spiciness.

Today, i actually said something Confucian without me knowing it. That is always what i have wanted to try to achieve, to attain effortless living. that's so Cool.......And i shall remember this day and mark its significance in my life.

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